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Background Checks: Critical Protection For Your Sporting Clinic

Wednesday, March 6, 2019 Bene-marc

Sports clinics are not medical offices. They are practices for professionals and amateur players to work together on skills. There are a lot of opportunities for novices and experienced players to interact. Clinics often have a larger staff diversity than somewhere like a sporting goods store, for instance. Still, there is always the risk of bad actors. They might pose problems to the clinic and participants. One of the best ways to avoid such threats is to invest in a background check system on all prospective hires. Why must you do so?

Background checks are among the critical processes that clinic operators should enact. Don’t hesitate to implement an investigation process as soon as you start to hire for your operation.

The Security Risks At Sports Clinics

You might think the most prevalent risks to clinic participants is player injuries. This is a fair assumption. However, injuries are not the only ways in which players and other parties can sustain harm.

Sadly, too many cases exist where bad actors infiltrate clinics for personal benefit. Often, their aims are illegal, immoral and potentially harmful. Some employees or volunteers might attempt to steal money or assets from the clinic. Others might have histories of abuse or harassment. That could make them a danger to players and others associated with the clinic.

Should such offenses occur, the impact might prove personally or financially devastating. Victims could suffer personal and physical harm. Money and valuable assets could disappear.

Lawsuits might also threaten not only the offender, but also the clinic itself. Victims might hold you responsible for the actions of your workers. They might view you as the reason the problem happened. So, they might sue the clinic. That could lead to increased insurance risks, expensive settlements and more.

By instituting background checks for clinic applicants, you might reduce the chances of misconduct impacting play. So, you should institute this process as soon as you start hiring anyone to work for the organization.

Why Background Checks Work

Think of the people within your sports clinics. They might include:

  • Full-time workers
  • Medical staff
  • Volunteers
  • Parent participants

Usually, most people you hire have no intention of causing any problem through their work. However, just one person with bad intentions could cause a lot of harm. A background check system can help you weed out these parties. Therefore, you can stop them before they have a chance to cause harm to the organization.

Depending on the background check system you choose, you might be able to view a subject’s:

  • Arrest and criminal records
  • Credit and financial security
  • Address and citizenship information
  • Driving records
  • Previous places of employment
  • Academic achievements

Sometimes, this information can help you recognize potentially-troublesome information in a person’s past. For example, if a volunteer applicant has a previous conviction for sexual assault, they might not be someone you want around participants. By running a background check, you might be able to keep the potential risks of harms out of the clinic.

How Checks Can Help You

There are countless background check systems out there. For your clinic, some might fit better than others. However, they can all offer a few benefits in the end.

By running background checks, you can reduce the clinic’s liabilities towards others. You’ll keep the risk relatively low that you will allow a harmful person into your midst. The chances of a negative occurrence impacting operations will drop. Though you might have sports liability insurance to protect you in these cases, preventing instances in the first place can help keep operating risks low. You’ll have a lower chance of having to face challenges insuring yourself going forward.

A background check system will also protect all the innocent people who want to take part in your clinic. Therefore, you won’t feel like you must operate with a threat of someone potentially causing a problem. You’ll still have to maintain vigilance over the organization and its workers. However, you can know workers will have passed at least one level of scrutiny before starting work.

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