General Liability Insurance Essentials for Tackle Football Teams

While both competitive and a great team builder, football is also a dangerous sport, especially for young people. There is a risk that youth football participants could sustain injuries during play that could affect them for the rest of their lives, especially if they aren’t treated appropriately.
Regardless of the future outcome of the injury, however, the team could still bear responsibility for the player’s losses. Plus, players aren’t the only parties who could get hurt during play, either; team staff, volunteers, parents and spectators might all become victims in unfortunate circumstances. Nonetheless, the team organization might still bear responsibility for these losses as well.
Under the circumstances, a quality general liability insurance policy can help the team cover its bases. You should always consider this plan an integral part of your tackle team’s insurance package. In the end, you will be thankful for the significant assistance it will provide, given the high number of liabilities that this type of team often faces.
Understanding Liabilities for Tackle Football Teams
Most children and teenagers are not introduced to football through a tackle team. Instead, they often start by playing touch or flag football, and as their skills advance and they grow up, they transition into a tackle play style.
The reason for this is due to the significant safety risks posed by tackle football. Tackle-based play involves a lot of physical exertion and strain on the body with a very high risk of a player getting injured during matches, practice or other scenarios. Even when they wear all of the appropriate padding and safety gear, they don’t have complete protection against injuries. Countless studies show the dangers to long-term health posed by contact sports. While you must do all you can to keep your players safe, you can’t prevent every incident.
Plus, football games can be dangerous to more people than just the players. A sprinting player might run into a coach or someone on the sideline, injuring them in the process. A lost ball might fly into the crowd and hurt someone or crash through the window of someone’s car parked nearby. Under these circumstances, the player might not be the affected party, but the team might still be responsible for the resulting losses.
Because of liabilities like these, the chances of injury or property damage lawsuits are much higher for tackle sports teams than those in non-contact sports. Therefore, tackle football team organizers usually need to purchase a higher and more expansive limit of liability insurance. This coverage will help the team if someone ever sustains an injury or property damage on their watch.
General Liability Insurance for Tackle Football Teams
A football team’s liability insurance is designed to cover a variety of loss scenarios where someone blames the team organizer for a loss or injury that they sustained. In other words, it’s a safeguard to protect the team in case legal action ever arises out of these challenges.
Suppose, for example, that one of your players gets injured during a tackle practice. Their parents, in turn, blame the team for the injury, claiming that it occurred because the coaches failed to teach the team critical safety practices that are part of the rules of the game. They might bring a lawsuit against the team and demand compensation for medical costs and similar losses. Under the circumstances, the team might be required by the courts to make the appropriate remittances to the affected parties. A settlement from general liability insurance can help you do so.
Plus, general liability insurance can help you cover a lot more than just bodily injuries. There are circumstances where your actions might damage third-party property. For example, your team might cause damage to a rented premises while using it as a practice area. While you might not have intended for this to occur, you still failed to prevent it through adequate oversight. As a result, your property damage liability insurance will compensate this party for their losses. Therefore, the team won’t face an insurmountable cost just as they work to recover from a challenging mistake.
Get Your Policy With the Help of Bene-Marc
With the help of your Bene-Marc agent, you can design a liability insurance package that is adequate for your tackle football team’s needs. As long as you have your plan customized to your advantage, you will know that it will assist you in case any challenges arise.