Make Sure You Have Participant Liability Insurance during Practice

Should a sports participant get hurt during play, they might need medical intervention. The injury may also impact the player’s ability to remain healthy or maintain employment.
A participant injury could occur at any time of the play, including during practice. Sports teams should have effective participant liability insurance for practice periods. They should then take steps to avoid participant injury risks.
Understanding Participant Liability Coverage
Sports teams often carry general liability insurance that can protect them in case they cause injuries or property damage to others. However, these general liability policies may not cover the risks posed by the team’s players. To cover participants, teams should make sure they get a policy that specifically covers participant liabilities.
Participant liability protection may assist the team in case a participant’s injuries result in a lawsuit or damage claim. The team may use this claim to help the injured participant cover their medical bills, rehabilitation costs or lost income while they recover. As an additional area of coverage, participant liability insurance may help the participant in case their actions harm someone else or damages their property.
Teams should make sure they have the coverage to protect their specific team risks. This is imperative, as some sports liability policies may not cover certain sports. Furthermore, learn about when and how the policy will cover the team. Make sure it extends to all modes of play, including practices.
Reducing Practice Safety Risks
Practice is often just as dangerous as competitive play. Players may sustain injuries or harm others even in the most relaxed circumstances. The good news is that most sports participant liability insurance covers practices. Still, teams should stake steps to protect players from hurting themselves or causing damage.
- Before starting a practice, make sure all players have full permission to participate. Some sports teams require comprehensive participation waivers from all players. Check around the area of play for any hazards that may harm players.
- Inspect the surroundings of the practice. See if there are any ways that players could damage the practice area’s property. Take steps to protect the property by pointing out damage risks to your players.
- Keep spectators in a safe area, and make sure they have the best available protection from harm. Enforce rules regarding spectator safety.
- If any participants sustain injuries, take steps to provide medical attention as needed. Only continue the practice after isolating or addressing the situation.
Need sports insurance? We can help. Give Bene-Marc, Inc. a call at (800) 247-1734 and we can help you get a fast, free policy quote.