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Safety and First Aid for College Teams

Thursday, October 4, 2018 First aid

Intercollegiate teams represent both their university and the sporting interests of their players. The players, therefore both create and present liabilities. They run the risk of getting hurt in the process. If you are in charge of the team, what can you do in cases where your players get hurt? What items should you keep on hand to protect your players and others.

First-Aid Planning for Your Team

All sports involve injury risks. Therefore, you have to be ready in case of accidents impacting your players. These accidents could happen at any time. They could run the gamut from simple bumps and bruises, to concussions, broken bones and traumatic injuries.

At minimum, you should have a basic first aid kit on hand to respond when something happens. The items in this kit might include:

  • Strong, unexpired disinfectants and medicated ointments
  • Various bandages and tourniquets to staunch bleeding
  • Heating or cold packets. Apply these immediately to potential sprains or muscle injuries
  • An emergency CPR guide (some teams even carry automatic external defibrillators)
  • A thermometer and appropriate amounts of painkillers like Tylenol® or aspirin
  • Scissors, clippers and tweezers
  • Eye wash
  • Sunscreen
  • Allergy intervention techniques, including Epi-Pens®

Depending on the unique sport, you’ll likely need to tailor the items within your first aid kits. When thinking about the kit, consider what injuries might occur. A football player is likely to face different risks from a volleyball player, after all.

Clerical Considerations for Teams

First aid kits fall within a team’s greater medical safety strategy. Therefore, think about the bigger picture of how you need to establish a team safety plan.

  • Many college sports teams are subject to state regulations. If the law requires you to take any particular first-aid steps, keep these in mind.
  • Quite a few teams hire trained medical professionals to respond to emergencies. Ensure that these professional meet all training and security qualifications.
  • Always understand the medical needs of any players. A manager should know if a player has allergies or takes prescription medication. This information might help you address a problem if it develops.
  • Require all players to submit medical forms containing medical needs and emergency contact information. Store this information with the players’ release to play.
  • Ensure that the team has appropriate player liability insurance. In case a player gets hurt, this coverage can help the team cover costs for the injuries.

All these factors, from insurance to first aid kits, will help you keep your team safe before. With the right care, you can minimize the impact that an injury might have on players and the team as a whole.

Also Read: Protect Your Sports Team From Financial Risk

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