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The Benefit Of Medical Payments Insurance For Booster Clubs

Wednesday, June 5, 2019 Bene-marc

Throughout the school year, your booster club might host a variety of special events. These might involve students, teachers, administrators, parents and the general public. However, during these events, there is always a chance that someone could get hurt. Even if the accident was not the club’s fault, the affected parties might need help. If the club’s insurance offers medical payments coverage, then you might have help available.

The Risk Of Injuries At Your Booster Club Events

In a lot of ways, booster clubs are like businesses. They need a variety of insurance policies to protect their operations and special events. Make sure your policy portfolio includes excess or accidental medical payments coverage. This is usually part of your general liability insurance policy. It can help you when accidents cause someone to get hurt.

Much as we don’t want injuries to happen, the simple fact is anyone can get hurt anywhere, at any time. However, large social gatherings — such as school booster club events — come with their own set of special injury risks. No matter how many precautions organizers take, there’s always a chance that accidents could happen.

For example, during a fundraising event, a child might slip and fall. Their injuries could be significant — broken bones, concussions, cuts and bruises and more. The injuries might result in significant medical bills, not to mention other financial hardships for both the affected child and their family.

You might initially think that there is no risk to your organization here. For example, the accident might be no one’s fault.

Not so fast. The child’s injury occurred during an event your club organized. Therefore, even if the accident was not your fault, you might need to help cover the child’s medical bills. If you have medical payments insurance, your policy might help the injured party.

Understanding Medical Payments Insurance

Medical payments insurance is part of many booster clubs’ liability insurance. If someone gets hurt at your event, this coverage can help you pay for the affected parties’ medical costs.

Consider, for example, a situation where a child gets hurt, but their health insurance won’t cover all their medical costs. Or, perhaps, they don’t have health insurance at all.

In these situations, it is your club’s medical payments insurance that can help the injured party cover their medical costs. Therefore, the affected person and their loved ones will have assistance available. Even if their health insurance pays for a majority of their costs, it is this coverage that can help them afford the residual costs.

The benefits of this coverage for your booster club are often very evident, in these cases. By helping out your supporters, you’ll keep your organization’s reputation aboveboard. Also, if you can offer the affected parties assistance, you might be able to avoid the costly litigation that might arise from a lawsuit.

Another perk of coverage is that it can often cover not only third parties, but also many of those involved with the organization itself. For example, it can often apply to volunteers or organizers themselves. Therefore, many event participants will have coverage.

You Still Need Liability Insurance Itself

Often, accidental medical payments insurance is a part of general liability insurance. However, it does not replace the bodily injury liability insurance offered by most general liability policies. To get comprehensive protection, you will want to make sure policies addresses both types of coverage.

Often, medical payments coverage alone might only apply to minor injuries others sustain. In cases of significant injuries, or when lawsuits arise, you will need expanded options offered by a general liability bodily injury policy. In situations where someone claims significant medical costs, general liability coverage often provides bodily injury protection.

Bodily injury liability coverage can apply to multiple costs related to third-party losses. It can particularly when someone sues you because they allege that your negligence caused their losses. Coverage might help pay for settlements and legal costs arising from suits.

It’s sometimes hard to understand when you need to file a bodily injury liability claims or an excess medical coverage claim. That’s where our agents can help you. Bene-Marc’s booster club liability insurance options can provide significant help in cases when accidents happen. Therefore, the booster club can emerge relatively unscathed, even when accidents occur.

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